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Dun Hwa Color Guard 15th,Taipei City







Dun Hua Color Guard 15th

DHCG is composed by the students at 7th and 8th grade. Although they're young, they do have courage to try and learn new things. No matter the weather is good or bad; no matter what difficult obstacles they will face, those students resolve and overcome all frustration, and persist in practicing to make their show perfect.


Profile of Instructor


Instructor:Dino Feng(Left)、Jenny Lin(Right)


Zhu Guang Color Guard,Hsinchu City


Zhu Guang Color Guard is composed by the students at 7th and 8th grade.It's their second year to meet and understand what color guard is.They have to learn many new things which they've ever met before, overcoming all the obstacles and frustration when practicing.Although practice is so painful, they still hold on to the last.The pain passes but the beauty remains.


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  • 敦化國中4屆旗隊

  • 北一女中12屆旗隊

  • 建國中學樂旗隊30、32屆旗隊

  • OPTP 1屆至3屆編創、演出人員

  • 敦化國中、竹光國中、南港高工旗隊教練


Lin Yu-Ting

  • Dun Hua Junior High School Color Guard 4th

  • Taipei First Girls’ High School Color Guard 12th

  • ChienKuo High School Marching Band 30th、32th Color Guard

  • OPTP 1st-3rdstaff

  • Dun Hua Junior High School Color Guard staff

  • Zhu Guang Junior High School Color Guard staff

  • Taipei Municipal Nangang Vocational High SchoolColor Guard staff


Song Shang Color Guard, Taipei City





當中雖然也有失敗、想放棄的心,不過更重要的是:We never give up.



Song Shang Color Guard holds never give up spirit.

In this club, we face challenges and make progress.


Even we may encounter many difficulties, we always give it a try.


Profile of Instructor






Chen-Shin Wang

Chen-Shin was an actress in Infinity and expects students learning teamwork, building self confidence and fulfilling dreams.

Silvia Wang


Silvia works as Art Ministrator in 30 Dance while performs as an actress in Infinity. A joyful, low pressure and pleasant learning envionment is expected to make students find their self-esteem and personal goal.


JingMei Girls High School Color Guard, Taipei City


We are Taipei JingMei Girls High School Color Guard, this year is our first time to join Color Guard Competition. We trained limbs, flags and Sabre every day. Practicing constantly make us cooperate and our tacit understanding is full. Our hard-working made us satisfied. We won’t let the dream leave until we make our dream come true.


Profile of Instructor


     自民國 81 年起擔任專業樂旗隊教練至今;現任景美女中、曉明女中、新興高中、西苑高中、大甲國中、能仁家商、埤頭國中,並於民國 87 年成立「無限旗旗舞藝術表演團」,致力旗舞表演藝術。


Chin-Yi Yang

Chin-Yi Yang has been the color guard director since 1992. She is currently teaching at Jingmei Girls' High School, Stella Matutina Girls' High School, Shin Shing High School, Shi-Yuan Senior High School, Dajia Senior High School, Neng Ren Home Economic And Commercial Vocational High School and Pitou Junior High School. She founded the Infinity in 1998 and devoted herself to color guard ever since.

She has created various performances for both indoor color guard showcases and outdoor marching bands. Each year, teams are praised by earning Excellent Award, Distinguished Honor Award, and First Place Award in the National Student Competition of Music, as well as participating in National Sports Tournaments and performing on national holidays.


Taipei First Girls’ High School TFGCG20, Taipei City

因著那一眼的旗槍邂逅 我們在此處相遇

依著那一股堅持的信念 爾後的汗水都將化成甘露





Thanks to the glance of the flag and riffle, fate brought us together.

We keep the same faith which will make the sweat and devotion paid off.

With flags and riffles holding in hands, twelve assorted notions in mind surge up the melody belonging to us.

Five, six, squeeze, push……

We will keep spinning with our hearts, dancing with our soul, till the last chapter of our story been told.


Profile of Instructor



黃源傑,來自建國中學樂旗隊22屆,建中旗隊13屆,在高中時期接受「昭子」劉昭玟的指導,高中畢業後於2006~2008年參加台北樂府旗隊,並於2009年赴美國參加DCI勁旅Santa Clara Vanguard,巡演全美各地,現任建中、北一等校樂旗隊旗隊教練,Ripple Colorguard之藝術總監。

Yuan-chien Huang

Yuan-chien Huang, from Taipei municipal Chien Kuo High School Marching Band 22nd (CKMB 22nd), Chien Kuo High School Colorguard 13rd, taught by Jaudz Liu at high school. After his graduation from CKHS, he marched Taipei Yuehfu from 2006 to 2008, Santa Clara Vanguard in 2009. He now is the colorguard captain manager of CKMB, TFGMB, director of Ripple Colorguard.


Calgary Stetson Show Band, Canada

Calgary Stetson Show Band在1988年成立於加拿大的社區高中的行進樂團的學生。該團提供多元化的機會增進個人發展、音樂修養、表演及交流。該團制服上的黑色與金色,代表爾加里、亞伯達、加拿大傳統與創新的獨特結合。

 樂隊在每年夏天都會參與一些全國性或國際的節目賽事。此外,該團體經常參加許多活動表演,例如The Calgary Stampede Parade遊行, Banff Canada Day Parade和卡爾加里的春季展覽…等。如Calgary Stetson Show Band結合了音樂和動作表演帶給觀眾們一個難以忘記的體驗。該活動為每年常態性慶典,Calgary Stetson Show Band藉此提升了許多音樂技巧及多元豐富的精湛演出。

 Calgary Stetson Show Band這幾年在行進樂隊領域中著重在演出表現上。樂隊團員和舞者運用舞台編排及音樂傳達迷人的視覺饗宴給觀眾。每年的表演不僅僅是場表演,也讓團員們有著獨特的難忘回憶。

從2015年樂團在Show bands Live!行進樂隊比賽中獲得第一名。也在2015年和2016年卡爾加里牛仔節大遊行贏得最佳高校樂隊和最佳總體樂隊的榮譽。此後更是行進樂隊賽事的常勝大軍。

近30年來,Calgary Stetson Show Band在國際上取得許多榮譽稱號。在行進樂隊表演上贏得的大獎橫跨北美、歐洲、亞洲。也希望能藉由該團隊與台灣學校的交流活動,充實二校的行進樂隊技巧!

The Calgary Stetson Show Band was formed in 1988 as a community based marching show band for senior high school students. Over the past thirty years, the band has proudly represented Calgary, Alberta and Canada with entertaining and innovative performances, while providing young people with the excitement and challenge of a marching music ensemble.  As a competitive senior band, the Calgary Stetson Show Band has excelled with their high standards of musicianship and performance developed in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun.  Regular season performances include numerous parades, concerts and high-profile community events within Calgary and southern Alberta.  The band has performed for members of the royal family, including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the Prime Minister of Canada, among others.

The Stetson Band is committed to sharing musical experiences with peers around the world, and regularly participates in the World Association of Marching Show Bands competitions, hosted worldwide.  The Stetson Show Band has travelled internationally, to locations from Switzerland to South Korea.  This past summer, the band celebrated Canada’s 150 Sesquicentennial with two weeks of performances at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.  Looking forward, the band will be travelling to Taipei, Taiwan, in July 2018, to compete in the World Association of Marching Show Bands World Championship Competition.  Part of the student travel experience includes collaborating with, and performing alongside, local bands and musical ensembles. 

Since 2015, the Stetson Show Band has won first place in the Showbands Live! Marching Competition, winning both Top Senior Band, and Top Overall Band, in the Calgary Stampede Parade in 2015 and 2016.  In 2014, the Stetson Show Band travelled to Brazil, where they competed in the World Association of Marching Show Bands World Championships.  In Brazil, the Stetson Show Band won the World Championship Parade Competition, and placed second in the World Championship Field Show Competition, scoring 92.4.  In addition to performing as a marching show band, band members also perform in Winter Drumline, Winterguard and Concert Band Programs.

The Calgary Stetson Show Band has been recognized with many honours over the past 30 years, including winning the World Championship of Freestyle Street Parade in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, regularly winning gold seals at the Calgary Kiwanis Festival, and winning top honours in band and parade competitions across North America.  In February 2016, the band was recognized with the prestigious Captain FM Ray McLeod Trophy for Most Outstanding Community Band at the Alberta International Band Festival.


Profile of Instructor

安德莉亞 西歐那(Andrea Ciona)是位名聞遐邇的指揮、評審、表演者及教育者。至2008年起她持續擔任卡爾加里斯特森表演樂隊的指揮,在她的指導下,卡爾加里斯特森表演樂隊多年來屢屢奪冠、備受榮耀,其中包括2011馬來西亞和 2014 巴西WAMSB世界行進樂大賽2011的冠軍。西歐那的視覺呈現和舞蹈編制每次演出都受到高度讚揚,不僅蟬聯卡爾加里斯特森表演樂隊LIVE!大賽,更被指定於皇家新斯科舍國際紋身節演出。




Andrea Ciona is a highly regarded conductor, performer, adjudicator and educator.  She has been the director of the Calgary Stetson Show Band since 2008.  Under her leadership, the band has won competitions and received top honours at events worldwide, including World Associations of Marching Show Bands World Championship Parade titles in 2011 (Malaysia) and 2014 (Brazil).  Her visual design work and choreography has been performed and broadcast to high acclaim, including several consecutive Grand Championship titles at the Calgary Stampede Showbands Live! Competition, and command performances at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.

Ciona’s ensembles, both instrumental and choral, have been broadcast nationally, including featured Canadian television and radio broadcasts.  As a conductor, she has directed touring ensembles in locations including Italy, the United States of America, China, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia, and Brazil. 

A highly-regarded clarinetist, Ciona is the Principal Clarinetist of the Rocky Mountain Symphony Orchestra, and Alberta Winds – Calgary’s only professional wind ensemble.  She has performed with Theatre Calgary, the Cranbrook Symphony, and the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra.  As a clarinet soloist, Ciona has performed across North America, in Europe and in Asia.

Currently the Director of Choral Music at Bishop Carroll High School, Ciona has also served on the faculty at Red Deer College School of Music, and Mount Royal University Conservatory of Music, and is the former co-artistic of the Valley Winds Symphonic Winds.  She regularly adjudicates music festivals, leads workshops for other music educators and works as a guest conductor.  She holds bachelor of music (clarinet performance and voice) and bachelor of education (secondary music) degrees from the University of British Columbia, and the University of Calgary.

臺灣創價學會 天使鼓笛隊樂團(台北)

​Taiwan SGI Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps, Taipei



Taiwan SGI Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps belongs to Taiwan Soka Association. Taiwan Soka Association is a non-profit organization promoting value of culture, education and peace. Taiwan Soka Association aims to create the highest potential of human beings and facilitate friendship around the world.

Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps comprises teenage girls and young women sharing the same passion for music and dance. Through music and dance we show the new generation energy.We were invited repeatedly by the Ministry of the Interior to many performance events. We expect ourselves to be like angels setting forth peace with music and dance and bringing fresh new air to the society.


Profile of Instructor



黃源傑,來自建國中學樂旗隊22屆,建中旗隊13屆,在高中時期接受「昭子」劉昭玟的指導,高中畢業後於2006~2008年參加台北樂府旗隊,並於2009年赴美國參加DCI勁旅Santa Clara Vanguard,巡演全美各地,現任建中、北一等校樂旗隊旗隊教練,Ripple Colorguard之藝術總監。

Yuan-chien Huang

Yuan-chien Huang, from Taipei municipal Chien Kuo High School Marching Band 22nd (CKMB 22nd), Chien Kuo High School Colorguard 13rd, taught by Jaudz Liu at high school. After his graduation from CKHS, he marched Taipei Yuehfu from 2006 to 2008, Santa Clara Vanguard in 2009. He now is the colorguard captain manager of CKMB, TFGMB, director of Ripple Colorguard.

Ripple Color Guard, Taipei

Ripple Color Guard於2016年成團,由建中旗隊13屆隊長黃源傑號召成員而成立,目前的團員包括北一及建中旗隊的校友。



Organized by the team leader, Yuan-chien Huang, Ripple Color Guard is formed in 2016. The team consists of members from TFGCG and CKCG.

Ripple Color Guard would like to show its expectation for the society and care for the diverse Taiwanese people within colorguard performance. Bearing this in mind, the team aims for more attention to issues in the society, as well as the performing arts in Taiwan, stirring up small waves in people’s heart and soul, as the team’s name reads.

In the hope of attracting people’s attention to colorguard, the team participates in this competition. Please enjoy the show.


Profile of Instructor



黃源傑,來自建國中學樂旗隊22屆,建中旗隊13屆,在高中時期接受「昭子」劉昭玟的指導,高中畢業後於2006~2008年參加台北樂府旗隊,並於2009年赴美國參加DCI勁旅Santa Clara Vanguard,巡演全美各地,現任建中、北一等校樂旗隊旗隊教練,Ripple Colorguard之藝術總監。

Yuan-chien Huang

Yuan-chien Huang, from Taipei municipal Chien Kuo High School Marching Band 22nd (CKMB 22nd), Chien Kuo High School Colorguard 13rd, taught by Jaudz Liu at high school. After his graduation from CKHS, he marched Taipei Yuehfu from 2006 to 2008, Santa Clara Vanguard in 2009. He now is the colorguard captain manager of CKMB, TFGMB, director of Ripple Colorguard.

One Person Two People, Taipei



Taiwan SGI Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps belongs to Taiwan Soka Association. Taiwan Soka Association is a non-profit organization promoting value of culture, education and peace. Taiwan Soka Association aims to create the highest potential of human beings and facilitate friendship around the world.

Tianshi Fifes and Drums Corps comprises teenage girls and young women sharing the same passion for music and dance. Through music and dance we show the new generation energy.We were invited repeatedly by the Ministry of the Interior to many performance events. We expect ourselves to be like angels setting forth peace with music and dance and bringing fresh new air to the society.


Profile of Instructor



黃源傑,來自建國中學樂旗隊22屆,建中旗隊13屆,在高中時期接受「昭子」劉昭玟的指導,高中畢業後於2006~2008年參加台北樂府旗隊,並於2009年赴美國參加DCI勁旅Santa Clara Vanguard,巡演全美各地,現任建中、北一等校樂旗隊旗隊教練,Ripple Colorguard之藝術總監。

Yuan-chien Huang

Yuan-chien Huang, from Taipei municipal Chien Kuo High School Marching Band 22nd (CKMB 22nd), Chien Kuo High School Colorguard 13rd, taught by Jaudz Liu at high school. After his graduation from CKHS, he marched Taipei Yuehfu from 2006 to 2008, Santa Clara Vanguard in 2009. He now is the colorguard captain manager of CKMB, TFGMB, director of Ripple Colorguard.


Infinety, Taipei


“Infinity” has been founded since 1998, and has become the first performing group of independent color guard in Taiwan. As the name of our group, we never limit ourselves to try new things. Therefore, we always surprise the audience with our diverse performances. Furthermore, our group is also devoted to the promotion of color guard, hoping that the art of color guard can be known widely.


Profile of Instructor


自民國 81 年起擔任專業樂旗隊教練至今;現任景美女中、曉明女中、新興高中、西苑高中、大甲國中、能仁家商、埤頭國中,並於民國 87 年成立「無限旗旗舞藝術表演團」,致力旗舞表演藝術。


Chin-Yi Yang

Chin-Yi Yang has been the color guard director since 1992. She is currently teaching at Jingmei Girls' High School, Stella Matutina Girls' High School, Shin Shing High School, Shi-Yuan Senior High School, Dajia Senior High School, Neng Ren Home Economic And Commercial Vocational High School and Pitou Junior High School. She founded the Infinity in 1998 and devoted herself to color guard ever since.

She has created various performances for both indoor color guard showcases and outdoor marching bands. Each year, teams are praised by earning Excellent Award, Distinguished Honor Award, and First Place Award in the National Student Competition of Music, as well as participating in National Sports Tournaments and performing on national holidays.


RedMan Color Guard, Nantou County



We are from Puli, Nantou, the center of Taiwan. It’s surrounded by mountains. Our team members are from Hong Jen Junior High School students and alumni. Our passion for Color Guard is the main reason for setting up this team. We spend holidays to get together and practice. We have won “Advanced Performance” for 5 times in Taiwan National Students Competition of Music since 2014 and got Silver in Class AA of Color Guard Competition in 2016 Taiwan International Marching Band Competition. We hope you like our new piece.


Profile of Instructor


  • 旗隊教學八年

  • 目前任教於南投縣立宏仁國民中學


Chien Wei Shan

I have taught color guard for 8 years. And now I am still teaching in Hong Jen Junior High School.




Taiwan Marching Band Association




地址: 台北市萬華區長沙街二段96號7樓

7F., No.96, Sec. 2, Changsha St.,

Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan

TEL: +886-2-2370-6619  

FAX: +886-2-2370-9281

​地址: 11008臺北市信義區市府路1號

 No.1, City Hall Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei City 11008, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL: +886-2-2720-8889

​地址: 10553臺北市松山區南京東路4段10號

 No.10 ,Sec. 4, Nanjing E.Rd.,SongShan District, Taipei City 10553 Taiwan R.O.C

TEL: +886-2-2570-2330

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