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黃耀文 / 評審團主席

Jimmy Wong / Supervising  Judge





黃耀文在1998年舉辦的Commonwealth Games,2001年舉辦的東南亞運動會,以及馬來西亞第五十周年國慶盛典中的管樂隊表演中均擔任主要協調者,指揮以及編排等重要職位。在2007年至2010年間,他成功的舉辦吉隆坡世界行進樂隊大賽,此大賽是亞洲地區指標性的行進樂隊比賽。在2011年,他負責舉辦世界行進樂隊協會在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行的世界盃行進樂隊大賽。



Mr. Jimmy Wong has been actively involved in the development of marching bands in Asia for the past 25 years and has brought many local and international accolades to the bands under his direction, more so with the Victoria Institution Cadet Corps (VICC) Band from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has actively participated, adjudicated and consulted in various international marching band competitions and festivals over the years in countries like Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, The Philippines, Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, and Canada.

Mr. Wong was also the main coordinator, instructor, and choreographer for the Mass Band displays during the 1998 Commonwealth Games, the 2001 SEA Games, and the 50th Malaysia’s National Day Grand Celebrations in 2007. He has successfully organized the Kuala Lumpur World Marching Band Competition from the year 2007 till 2010. In the year 2011, he organized the WAMSB World Championship of Marching Show Bands 2011, and in 2012 and 2013, Mr Wong has successfully organized the 1st and 2nd Hong Kong International Youth Marching Band Competition, acting as its Festival Director and Chief Technical Consultant. Present, Mr. Wong sits in the Board of Directors of the World Association of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) and the Executive Board of Directors of the Asia-Pacific Bands’ Association (APBA). Mr Wong has also established the WAMSB South East Asia affiliate chapter and holds the position of its first President. He is also currently still active in teaching and consulting for bands in Malaysia, China and Hong Kong.

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